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Students Chatting

The Idaho Speech, Language, and Hearing Association Presents...



An open space to empower and advocate, build capacity, and improve our professional communities 

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ISHA Chat January

Telepractice Research Evidence with Amy Hardy et al.

Neat Computer Desk

ISHA Chat February

COVID 19 Impact on your clinic?

ISHA Chat March

Effects of Isolation on Cognitive Communication Skills

Best Friends Chatting

ISHA Chat April

Caseload and Workload in Idaho Schools: How Do We Improve?

with Amber Romriell and Erin Bauder

ISHA Chat May
National and State Advocacy Efforts with Eileen Crowe (ASHA Director of State Association Relations) and ISHA President Kim Shaner

Best Friends Chatting

ISHA Chat June

Treatment options for adults with hearing loss with Kate Savage, AuD

ISHA Chat July
Summer camp: Using a camp model for AAC intervention and training with Mary Van Donsel and Anne Kuhlmeier

Neat Computer Desk

ISHA Chat August
The relationship between anxiety and breathing patterns in pediatric populations with Heather Robinson

ISHA Chat October
Updates from ISHA Representatives & Volunteers:
SLP Legislative Rep, SEAL, Audiology STAR, & StAMP

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