Committee Leaders

Amber Romriell, School Affairs Committee Chair and ISHA SEAL

Alycia Cummings
SLP Director and Board Representative

Nich Brock
SLP Committee Member

We empower and advocate for our members through the introduction of state legislation, policy change, and high-level conversations geared toward improving our professional lives, which in turn impacts our personal lives.
Committee Objectives 2022-2023
Objective 1: To create and disseminate a workload, caseload, and service delivery models survey to school-based SLPs in Idaho that identifies barriers in which ISHA can help SLPs solve.
Objective 2: Based on survey data, create a 1-day hybrid CEU event on workload, service delivery models, and treatment intensity for school-based SLPs
Objective 3: Provide SLP supports for supervising SLPAs in our current situation which includes a wide range of SLPA training and experience (ranging from no experience- ASHA certified SLPAs)

How Can I help?
Join ISHA and the School Affairs committee! $50 a year gets you access to free CEUs, therapy/assessment/legislative resources, and more
Help us gather data on workload, caseload, treatment intensity, and service delivery to enact legislative change that protects SLPs
Complete the weekly or monthly ASHA Workload Calculator yourself or with your SLP district teams
What did our survey find?



Workload Models


Each year or so, ASHA surveys thousands of School SLPs. How do you and your district compare on salary, resources, workload, and other management trends? Use this to help your team advocate for much needed resources and increased salary.

Certain school districts provide a reasonable salary, while others do not. Use this resource to advocate fair salaries for your team

Take the steps necessary to enact positive change for your clients.

Workload and Caseload. Two terms, often used interchangeably; however they are very different as you know. But do your administrators know that? Use this workload calculator to help your team advocate for improved working conditions and client services.

Ohio has done a great deal of leg work in the information battle for SLP workloads. Check out this site for resources.

ASHA has emphasized a workload analysis approach to address the inequity as well as challenges SLPs face in the school setting. Download this document for resources to enact change in your district.